Shadow figure Fiasco

Supernatural Stories | May 19, 2021 | 4 min read
1 Votes, average: 5 out of 5
Supernatural Stories

Shadow figure Fiasco

This is a true story about an experience I had.

Lot's of people seek thrill in looking for ghost's and spirits in plenty of places. For me it was a cemetery on my best friends birthday.

I was with my two friends , we'll say Mary and Tessa and it was Mary's birthday. We had just finished softball practice so we were hungry and the plan for that night was right after softball we get something to eat and then go to a haunted house. The haunted house was closed at the time we were arriving so we planned to go the next night. Instead of going to the haunted house we decided to go to a cemetery (stupid teen mistake) we got there at around 12:30pm and we took random picture just to see if, orbs were in them. Mind you at the time I had known nothing about this cemetery at all. So afterwards we had gotten some coffee and I was debating on telling the girls that I heard a voice. It said "Don't leave" so Of course I was totally freaked. I didn't want the girls to accuse me of telling tales so I said nothing....until the next night. We had gone back to Mary's house and took a walk around the neighborhood and then went inside and watched a horror movie. We then went to sleep and I was the last one up the stairs but I felt this cold chill. My first thought was "Maybe there is some sort of vent above me." No there was not a vent. I brushed any thought of a paranormal entity off. By now you may be thinking "Wtf is this it's labeled shadow figure fiasco" I am getting to the shadow figures.

So the next night all of us get dressed into our crop tops and short shorts and head to the haunted house. I am still feeling a bit shaken from the previous night and I was overthinking this haunted house. We got there and I realized "Haunted houses aren't haunted! I forgot there was going to be a bunch of 8 year olds here ( because Mary's little brother is 7)" So I get there and there are people jumping up trying to scare us and of course we were just waiting for them. So later after the haunted house we go and drop Mary's mom and little brother back off at there house and we headed back to the cemetery by now it is probably 11 pm and we went and got coffee's. When we arrived at the cemetery Mary's step-dad says "Hey girls be quiet this guy is walking towards us." so we were quiet and we heard what the guy in the white tank top and basketball shorts said. He said " Hey I need jumper cables do ya'll have any?" Mary's dad says "No. I am sorry we were just turning around in here" The stranger says " Are you sure? I have two babies in the car."  All I could think was "Why would you have 2 babies in a car at a cemetery at 11:00 at night?" So we turned around and of course there was a woman parked at the entrance. Mary's dad waves at her and she immediately hangs up her phone and drives away as fast as she could. 

That night we called the non-emergency police in case the man at the cemetery was doing anything he wasn't supposed to. So by this time my time at Mary's is over and mind you this was from October 2nd - 4th and Just recently- January 16th - 17th I had a terrible experience. My birthday party was the 16th and my best friend we'll call her Wendy, was over to celebrate with me. That night was great my cat slept in my bed with Wendy and I and we had loads of fun. The next night was the problem. Wendy had left that day and that night I was kind of lonely. What I saw was in a way beyond explanation. I was laying in my bed ( fully awake and moving) and out of nowhere I saw this thing leaning over me with claws and it's face was fully visible. It was a shadow figure. But this is not where my story ends.

The next day I researched and some may know of a Dr. Kelly Renee Schutz. I talked to Dr.Schutz and she had amazing advice. The thing is I had these dreams. After the night of the shadow figure I went to dinner with my family and tried to explain the shadow figure to them. Of course they did not believe me! Thye thought I was crazy. But during that dinner I saw a little girl who looked about 10 years old was staring at me-the entire dinner- That night when I went to sleep that little girl was in my nightmare. Dead. My dream started where I was walking forward and as I got closer so a chainlink fence I saw this little girl. She was dead and she had been face up in a small ditch that was filled with water. She had bruises on her wrists legs and throat. The shadow figure was in that dream as well. It was trying to kill me. During that week I had reccuring dreams of a house where there was blood everywhere. All over me and I was in an unrecognizable house. It was almost as though I was in the "Granny house" It was crazy and I couldn't get advice from anyone on these dreams. This is the end of my story. If u have any idea on why I had these dreams you can contact me @[email protected] Thank you 

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Alvalynn Feb 22, 2021

I may be biased but this may be the best article I have ever read XD

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