alex wolf

6 Stories

Mr. Smith drove home in his white Toyota. He drove fast, escaping the hectic and maddening workplace. His car sped down the highway, his

I stamp down the underbrush with my boot. The dry leaves and dead plants snap sharply, like firecrackers. The moon, full, shines through

Dr.Von Heck sat in his laboratory. This was not the ordinary clean, white lab, no, this was a dusty lab, its walls were of black, charred

I didn't mean to trespass in Mrs.Gorgonvich's back yard. I was climbing in our large apple tree. The tree grew in our yard, but its thick

Mr. Smith drove home in his white Toyota. He drove fast, escaping the hectic and maddening workplace. His car sped down the highway, his

This is true, I swear. I am convinced our house is haunted. As a child, I would see things. Not giant monsters that wanted to eat me, but

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