
7 Stories

My blood's boiling!" Rita exclaimed excitedly. She rubbed both her arms quickly like a grooming housefly. "I'm getting gooseflesh just

By amartin

I guess this is it, Ben thought, staring thoughtfully at the bottle of Pet Reader capsules in his hand. He was reasonably doubtful of this

By amartin

"So I was a big waste of time," Liam sneered, standing at the end of the block starring up at a red neon sign reading Tequila Dreams. A

By amartin

"Oh, that's a FINE piece of liver," Elma noted, smiled. "Liver, huh?" mouthed a young woman while chewing a Mishmash Sandwich, one of

By amartin

"And that about does it!" Alfred gloated, gleefully. "I exterminate half of America and Europe by faulty vaccinations! Checkmate!" Peter

By amartin

"Welcome back to Washington AM! I'm Maria Clark, and we're about to meet a very unordinary special guest here in our studio this morning.

By amartin

She'd been gone a year. But to Seymour, Crystal's fleshy shell still provided him with SOME comfort in difficult times---as much as her

By amartin

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