Janice was here

Supernatural Stories | Jul 22, 2012 | 6 min read
16 Votes, average: 3 out of 5
My name is Cora Jenkins and i am a sixteen year old girl.I didn't think much of our new house at first,i guess that was because i'm used to new houses.My father is in construction and that has us not staying in the same spot for to long.The only problem is that this time,my father didn't move with us.I suppose that should have come across as odd to me and my family,but it did not.My father said he would be here within the year and that he was of course being transferred again,just not yet.He said he wanted us to get this house before someone else did though.

So for now its just me,my sister Kelsey ,and my mother.At first we sort of enjoyed the absence of my father because it gave us some well needed girl time.But then my mother got a job,a night shift job at that.She told us that two teenage girls should be happy to have a parent willing to leave them alone all night long.And told us that we should have nothing to fear within the sanctity and security of our very sheltered home.But sure enough her words did not stop the creaking and screeching of the house,her words did not stop the faint whispers outside my windows.Her words did not stop the dis formed shadows on my walls. Her words did not comfort me enough to make me feel like i was safe and they sure as hell didn't get rid of the feeling of being watched.One night...i think it was a Monday i had tried to talk to my sister about my feelings for the house and moms job. And of course the bitch laughed at me....well at the time i though she was a bitch,i very much regret thoughts like that now.

Here is her journal,i am keeping dates out for personal reasons.

My sister should be a comical figure in the world of careers.Shes scarred! i am two years younger than her and even i'm not scarred of being alone at night!!! Cora has always been the "pussy" but me on the other hand,adore danger and fear.I don't know why i'm even making a journal,that's to CORA of me.

I though Cora was insane,ya know talking about shadows and noises and....being watched.The problem is now i feel it to,i mean i'm not bothered by it.It isn't scary or anything...but its there that i have to admit.I cant tell Cora about my new beliefs in her fear because then she might have something on me,she might think i'm afraid.

So much for not telling Cora that i feel it to,i told her yesterday which is the explanation for no journal entry,well its more only part of the reason.The main one was that i just wasn't feeling up to it.I think i might skip that day all together,Wendseday can be my off day.But then there was the other reason i didn't write.There was storm and our dog Cobalt managed to get out,My pussy of sister would not go after him so i had to.He ran straight into the woods and thanks to my flashlight feature on my iPhone i could easily follow him,if not for that i do think he would be gone forever.The woods here were so much calmer as the storm brewed on,it was almost peaceful...almost.Because you see the flashlight i was using barely stopped the wind that attacked me...actually it doesn't stop the wind at all,so as you can imagine i really wanted to find my dog now.Suddenly as i was realizing i made it all the way to the other end of the woods and to the road i got the worst feeling ever.The same feeling i get while in bed at night.Just as i was about to have a full on panic attack my dog came running from the other side of the road.

I dont know what happened to me last night by the road,but its really left my head messed up.As me and Cobalt had been coming up to the house last night i had happened to glance up at the bathroom window because the light had been on.At first i thought it was my sister i was looking at,but then the terrifying realization that my sisters hair was golden blonde and not black hit me hard.I was totally hyper ventilating by now.I had rushed into the house and told my sister that we weren't alone,but she brushed me off and accused me of just trying to make fun of her. Who could blame her? I would think the same exact thing.I feel utterly helpless.

I have to be going insane,today i attempted to get a shower,but my fear got the best of me.Especially when i seen her yet again.I had just been getting out of my failed shower to investigate the noises of things falling i had heard.At first there was nothing to see and then i heard the noises more clearly,crackling and splintering of the medicine cabinets glass,it had splintered into the spider web type of cracks.And sure enough there she was,standing directly behind me.I got a closer look at her this time.I'm not sure if her hair was black or dark brown but either way it was wet,matted to her pale blue skin.She had dark circles under her eyes with on red line under each,i could only assume that it was blood.Her body was tense and her lips set in a smug smile.Eyes the deepest purple there is,finger nails so long they almost seemed to be claws.But the most disturbing part of all was that she was naked.Naked and nothing was there.No girl parts and no boy parts,she was blank and obviously a girl

I woke up in my bed at exactly midnight,a complete mystery as to how i got here.But for some reason i now have the idea that the girl i have been seeing is me,i did research and of course this house was not always this house.At one point and time it was a different house, a house that had burned down.The girl who died here was fourteen and her name was Janice.But for some reason i was convinced that me and Janice were one.I'm not sure how to explain this any better,but i think i am Janice or...Janice is me? But the point is i cant tell anyone.Janice is dangerous....i'm dangerous.

Cora woke me up screaming and now is where i really need to explain. This will probably be the longest journal entry yet. I had ran into her bedroom at exactly midnight to see what was the matter.When i entered her room she was sitting straight up in her bed almost completely still except for the shutter that went through her body every five seconds.I ran over to her and started shaking her hoping that she might snap out of it and we could agree that it was just a night terror.She suddenly went very still and rigid in my hands.Then she collapsed.She seemed to be asleep again and i thought for sure that all was well and then i seen her sheets moving,and then her body.Soon she was levitating above her bed and flying across the room.She hit the wall hard.I ran across the room to her and she sat straight up.As if i wasn't even there she walked right passed me and out her bedroom door.Out the backdoor and through the woods.Something told me not to follow her,this was all the doing of Janice...and somehow i know that its because of me.Cora returned at six in the morning.Still not herself,it seemed as if she never blinks and her eyes were becoming so tired.I didn't know what to do,the sinking feeling had been in my gut the entire time that Janice was inside of her.She was taking over and it wouldn't stop! So all this leads up to whats going to happen next,i'm going to die... that's the only way.

Hello again,its me Cora.You must understand why this bothers me so much...none of this happened.I swear to you none of it.Kelsey was crazy.She actually thought she could stop me.See she doesn't have to be alive for me to run off of her,she just has to exist somewhere.If only she knew...i've been here all along.My thoughts were interrupted by my mother entering the room "Cora time for the funeral come take your meds."
I smiled and finished brushing my long black hair.


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