It Came in the Night

Others Stories | Jan 26, 2020 | 4 min read
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Others Stories

It Came in the Night

It came again. The banging on the back door and windows. It sounded like it was gonna give and it would get in here. I've never actually seen it but I found evidence it's been here. Outside I mean. Footprints and little clumps of fur. I've heard it too. The sound it makes is like nothing I've ever heard before. In case you're wondering, no. It isn't bigfoot. If it was I'd imagine it would have broken down the door, shattered my body, and left by now.
The banging persisted and increased in volume until everything got silent. Relief flooded my body like a river rushing over a little crab in the sand. "It's gone," I told myself. "I don't have to worry anymore for now". I started to drift off again, then I heard something in the basement. I shot up. "It's here," I said to myself. I pushed myself off the bed, slipped, and fell onto the floor. "Shit," I said, louder than I intended. All noise from downstairs stopped.
I rushed for the gun I kept under the bed. A 12 gauge shotgun. I quietly opened up my door and looked around. I didn't see, nor hear anything. As I tiptoed through the house, checking my corners every turn, I find nothing still, until I rounded the corner to the garage. A roughly human-sized chunk had been torn out and the pieces were strewn out on the floor. "Fuck. How much is this gonna cost to fix," was the first thing that ran through my mind. Silly I know, considering the situation at hand.
I looked into the hole where the drywall had been torn from and there were claw marks and fur left behind from whatever broke in. It's in the walls. It's in the fucking walls. I tear off. I ran for the door and once I reached it, I swung it open faster than I ever have I think. I turned around once I got a suitable distance from the house and saw nothing. I sat down and caught my breath for a second. I definitely wasn't about to go back in there for a while.
I waited outside for a while and started to get tired. I fell asleep and the next thing I knew, I was awake in my bed. I looked around and thought to myself, "Was that all a dream?" I walked downstairs and looked around. Nothing out of its usual placement. I looked for around 2 minutes more and remembered the hole in the wall. I walked to where It would've been and didn't see anything. I sighed and walked back to my room to where I had my shotgun hidden under my bed.
I put my hand under the bed and moved it around. Where the fuck was the shotgun. I stood up as panic rushed through my body. I tore up my room and the rest of my house looking for it. I got back to my room after giving up, not finding a single trace of the shotgun. I collapsed onto my bed in defeat and once I took a second to cool down I got back up. I looked at my dresser. Something was new. There was a little piece of notebook paper, folded up into a small rectangle.
I opened it up and inside it read, "I can't have you shooting me now can I?" I was in shock. I turned around and saw a few little clumps of fur on my bed. "Shit."
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