In The Lands Of Vulgaria

Supernatural Stories | Feb 2, 2013 | 6 min read
8 Votes, average: 3 out of 5
Supernatural Stories

In The Lands Of Vulgaria

In the marshy swamplands of Vulgaria, I set up camp at the mouth of a large cave surrounded by high plateaus and small caverns. I dared to camp within the dark damp walls of the cave for the fact that venemous creatures oft took shelter therein.Vulgaria was a damnable place filled with Witches,Daemons, and dark Priest whome would kill me if they knew of my presence here in these forsaken lands. I had to keep myself hidden away. I had to be; at least for tonight, as one of the dead lest I wish to join them in their worm filled sepultures. I would sleep only for a few hours and move on as swiftly as I had come.
I pull the cowel to my cloak up over my head for a little shelter from the cool night air. From the corner of my watery eye, I caught a glimpse of an approaching storm that was barreling down on me from the west. The ominous clouds blotted out all light of the full moon. All was quickly cast into darkness. The vast desolate lands of Vulgaria died away as if it had all been but an apparition, of course it had not. The darkness concealed all waking life beneath a blanket of black death; all that was is now beneath that blanket, including myself.
Outside the cave I began to hear strange and awful things coming from within the deep dark cave. Now that my eyes could no longer see anything that was inches of my own face, my hearing became aggressively acute. I could hear the night-worms seeping up through the moist ground all around me. I could hear the distant 'kawk' of a lone crow somewhere hidden within the darkened mountains, and the wind seemed to be speaking to me in a diabolic whisper saying, "Surrender, surrender, you belong to us." And then from the bowels of the cave came evil enchantments for all of Vulgaria to hear.

(Witch 1.) "From dusk till dawn, beware nights call..."

(Witch 2.) "Evil doeth rise, when shadows fall..."

(Witch 3.) "Wolves howl, and wail ai moonlite skies..."

(Witch 1.) "And bring forth the evil to hearken unto their cries!"

Then all three joined together in unisom.
"Surrender, surrender, your soul belongs to Vulgaria!"
The sinister Witches chanted this over and over. Their evil chanting became louder, and louder until it was all that I could hear. I had to get away from their evil enchantments! I had to get far away from the lands of Vulgaria. I had to run blindly through the veil of night out of the hellish lands of Vulgaria! I ran like a child might run from a nightmare, this nightmare. And if I didn't get out soon I'd surely perish here in this land of evil, this land of the dead.
The storm now enclosed all around me. Wolves howl down from their mountain tops at a moon that was no longer visible to the waking eye. Darkness overwhelmed me. My eyes strained to catch even the faintest glimpse of light made avaliable, but there was none. I ran in the direction from whence I came, but the path seemed alien to me now. Somehow all had changed form before my sandled feet. All direction that I had come to know was now lost. I should be going up-hill, not down! I should be far away from the swamps, but found myself knee deep in the cold soupy water and it was getting deeper with each slowing step. I was trapped! This place will not allow me to leave; not in one piece, not alive.
My mind filled with the horrors that awaited me. God-awful creatures lurking in the swamps so horriable that my mind in its fragile state could not and would not comprehend. My heart thumping in my chest as if something was clawing to get out. Maybe it was my own soul searching for a way out of this vessel knowing of my impending doom.
Suddenly from the storm clouds overhead a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky. Not the blinding flash that one might get from a bolt that comes to close for your eyes to lose focus, but a flash that allowed me enough light to see from time to time as to what was ahead and to the sides of me. To my relief, the swamp that I had found myself in was rather small. And there was land! Dry land just ahead only yards from where I was now standing. My heart eased, as did my mind. But then horror struck me but once again. In all my joy I had forgotten to look from behind. What I saw next filled my fragile soul with pure terror! A ghastly phantom cloaked in a tattered balck robe like those worn by the long forgotten druids of old. The things eyes burned like embers in black empty sockets where a normal mans eyes once were. Its skin burned, and hanging from bloody bone as if he had been set ablaze, and put out only sometime after. Upon his burnt chest he bore a sigil of his calling, and from his torn out stomach reached out six long tentacles like those of a Kraken. In his left hand he held a dagger with its blade burning red like that of a thousand suns. Its tentacles now wrapped around my mouth and throat to where I could not scream. It lifted me up from out of the murky slime filled water to where it could look me dead in the eyes. It wanted to see and feel my terror, but it was searching for my soul. Those burning eyes gaze deep into my own. My body ached to scream, and my soul longed to die. A burning sensation took over all thought as his blade penetrated my skin. I look down to see the burning red dagger now stuck deep into my chest, and I guessed it to be lunged into my heart as well. The thing held me in limbo for what seemed like an eternity; yet I still lived? Moments later I found there to be no pain. Only silence, and darkness, and more darkness like that I had never come to know. My mind thought me to be dead.
The next morning to my amazement I awoke inside my tent just outside the cave that I thought I had run from. It was as if nothing ever had happened at all. Had I dreamt the whole horriable thing? I felt a sense of relief, and revival as I stood outside the tent looking off to the distant mountains to my destination. I gathered up my tent, and prepared for my long journey ahead when a sudden pain hit me. A burning sensation in the center of my chest. A new horror had found me. I slowly remove my cloak, my hands trembling, my mind scrambeling to find an explanation, any explanation except for the one I had dreamt, and then my eyes told me what I had come to fear. A large sigil had been engraved deep into my chest. My skin burned and small tentacles were growing inside of my stomach, and before long they would have grown large enough to split open my stomach to grasp its victims.
Every full moon from there on I took on the demons form. I roamed the lands of Vulgaria in search for lost souls who had foolishly wondered into these lands as I had once done. Only one poor soul would be chosen as I was to take my place after my thousand years had ended. Until then I must shed innocent blood for the lands of Vulgaria.
"Lord help my poor soul."


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