I was here

Supernatural Stories | Nov 10, 2012 | 4 min read
20 Votes, average: 4 out of 5
Jimmy had an evil grin as he slowly crept close behind Tommy and grimly said "I got you now!" Tommy felt cold water thrown at him, felt his throat choke and his heart start to pound out of control. He would have run, but where to? He thought. He'd surely be out paced by a taller, stronger Jimmy.

"Got some special treasure hidden around here," asked Jimmy as he quickly shoved Tommy to the hard cold ground. Tommy could smell the dirt as most of it drifted into his nostrils. But all Tommy could think about was his fragile inhaler as it broke under his and Jimmy's weight.

"Tell me Tommy boy… where do you have that treasure hidden?" His knee on Tommy's back like a ton of bricks ready to cave in from below. The pain was unbearable and the chances of escape null.

Tommy looked at the tall Maple tree just a few feet away. "There is no treasure here Jimmy; I swear," he implored. "My dad planted this Maple tree the day my mom died. I come here because it reminds me of her," Tommy managed to say.

"I always knew you were a little momma's boy. I'll teach you to remember me instead. You little chicken shit," Jimmy yelled in Tommy's ear as he pinned him hard against the dirt.

Jimmy pulled out switch blade from his pocket and shoved it in Tommy's hand. "You follow my rules and I won't break your arm… you little shit," He swore. "Go on… I want you to write on you're momma's tree ‘I was here… Jimmy'. Come on," he pushed Tommy toward the tall Maple tree, "I don't have all day!"

Tommy felt the cold metal object in his hand and imagined slashing Jimmy in the groin, over and over again, but deep inside he knew he did not have the heart or the nerves to go that far. The knife in Tommy's trembling hand cut into the hard tree bark, his eyes full of tears…by the time he finished he could hardly breathe. If his mother were alive she would be so ashamed of him, he thought.

"There! Now you'll remember me instead. And now you are going to eat some of those leaves on the floor… see if they taste like your mommy's kisses," Jimmy said. It was midnight by the time Jimmy finished with Tommy. Battered and broken Tommy finally dragged himself home.

Walking down the poorly lit street Jimmy felt like the king of the hill. The autumn night seemed to be restless, he thought, as leaves pushed by the wind scurried across the sidewalk into the open street. It had gotten colder all of sudden and somewhere, some dog just kept barking into the night.

At a distance Jimmy thought he heard a thump and something break. He glanced back only to see the tall trees shaking in the wind. Other than a stray cat, the street was empty this late in the night. He walked faster, but the thump, thump, thump only got louder.

Leaves scurried out in front of him as he tried not looking back. But now the sound was just above him. He jumped forward into an open yard and looked up in shock.


"No! Stay away from me," screamed Jimmy

A sudden darkness embraced him. It was big, around twenty feet and it immediately over powered Jimmy. It pulled him to the ground like a puppet on string. In the dark something curled around his foot and dragged his whole leg into the dirt. Jimmy squealed as he felt his leg's bones break into pieces.

Out in the night Jimmy screamed in agony. But his scream was cut short by the leaves.

The next morning Detective Stalone stood over Jimmy's battered body, with a puzzled look on his face. He looked across the street at the once tall and now up rooted Maple tree, as it lay against the curve of the street. "It must have been a car that hit that Maple tree and then it must have hit Jimmy here," Stalone grimly stated.

"Ok, let's see what we have… slowly turn his body over" Stalone instructed the police officer. As Jimmy's body was turned over Detective Stalone's face suddenly changed.

"What is that?" He mumbled.

Jimmy's bloodied shirt had been torn open. On his chest someone had engraved words… Detective Stalone solemnly read them… "I was here… Maple".
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