Funerals Serve a Purpose

True Stories | May 5, 2020 | 2 min read
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True Stories

Funerals Serve a Purpose

Why did humans decide to preform funerals for the dead? Maybe someone had insight into the afterlife.

When someone dies, the things that keep them here become brittle. Some people's tethers snap immediately upon death, and for those people, they pass on to the afterlife. However, some don’t make a successful transition. These people staunchly refuse to made peace with their death and become ghosts. Ghosts are either sad, mad, or confused over their death. Sometimes they are all three. And depending on the depth of their emotions, they can interact with their environment. These unfortunate souls are in the minority. However on the extremely rare occasions, people recognize when they die, but sadly their tether does not. As a result, they end up stuck there. When this happens, they are unable to move from the area of their death. Even if they try leaving in any direction, they always end up back in the place where they started. They're merely spectators.

And that's where funerals come in. Once the family, friends or whoever prepares the body. They place the deceased person in the coffin, shroud, crematorium or whatever; the physical, emotional and earthly ties become final. The spirit starts feeling tired. In a couple of seconds, they begin fading. And then the stubborn tether snaps, and they go to the afterlife the soul deserves. Sounds pretty simple right? For the most part it is, mostly. Ya see, if your tether doesn't snap and you were, for argument's sake, murdered and buried in the middle of the woods. If nobody discovers you, and the murderers who buried you don't know how to cut tethers, you are stranded. Just like me.

The reason I know this is that an old ghost informed me. He also told me that there was no way he could aid me. All I can do is wait until the police or someone finally finds my corpse. He feels exceedingly bad for me though and hopes I don’t end up like him. He has been in this little grove since he died from felling off his horse many years ago. So with nothing to do, I wait. I’m stranded in this clearing I desperately want to leave, while hoping someone finally unearths my remains.
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