darkest Fear

Suspense Stories | Aug 23, 2012 | 20 min read
48 Votes, average: 4 out of 5
Suspense Stories

darkest Fear

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR:**Hi, This is Abs Rivera. This is the unedited version of DARKEST FEAR. It might have some grammatical errors but I hope you will enjoy the story.


Wednesday | 2:15 p.m.

It was peaceful Wednesday afternoon when a gun shot was fired by some armed man. He, the man who pulled the trigger, and 3 more men were currently robbing a bank at that moment. The robbery was as fast as the moment they enter the bank but the police came at the minute they got out of the bank. Gids, one of the robbers, told his comrades to go back inside the bank. Randomly, he took 2 people from the crowd inside and held them hostages. They demand an armored van as an escape vehicle.

3:17 p.m.

The negotiation was a doing well until it becomes bloody. Ace, one of the robbers, saw one of the people inside the bank ran towards the front door. He immediately shot that person in the leg. Because of that, the police were alarmed that these robbers were serious. The snipers were told to lock and load and aim to the robbers. It was a shot-to-kill order. The police thought that they have the upper hand until Vince, the 3rd robber, pulled out a RG-6 grenade launcher and said, "It's time!". Loaded with smoke grenades, he shot 3 grenades towards police men. Because of this, the snipers couldn't see anything because of the too much smoke and the robbers escape carrying two hostages with them.

4:00 p.m.

The robbers thought they've escape by driving out from custody using their own getaway vehicle but the police caught up with them. It was the one of the biggest car chases and led the robbers and their hostages to take refuge in an abandon hotel. In minutes, the building was surrounded with police.

5:30 p.m. | Outside the Abandon Hotel

It was the darkest 5:30 p.m. It was like 6:30 p.m. and the police no longer heard anything from the hostage during that time. The S.W.A.T. team led by Sgt. Rivers was ordered to take them down. So, Sgt. Rivers and his team huddled up as he gave orders.


The awkward silence gave the police a bad feeling about this. It seemed like the hostage takers and hostages were no longer inside the building. Or, some bad might have gone wrong. This made the police worried. So, Sgt. Rivers' team moved in to the hotel's front entrance and ordered his other man to move in from the back which was led by Shann, the only female in the team.

Upon reaching the entrance, Sgt. Rivers ordered Amir to open the door. "Bismillah.", said Amir. Then He radioed Shann, "Take care, baby!", and ordered her to enter the premises as he slowly opened the door. "You too, baby.", she replied. One by one they went inside the building. The last person to step in was Stg. Rivers. The place was dark, dusty and it smelled awful. "Flashlights on! Use your glowsticks and threw it in every corner you'll passed by. This will be our only light source here.", Sgt. Rivers said.

As Sgt. Rivers was walking 3 feet away from the door, as mild breeze coming from nowhere blew. Along with it were hissing voices. "What the hell was that?", Jin said. Then suddenly the front was door closed shut! The load bang of the door echoed around the hotel. And, at that moment, they heard voices echoing at the every corner of the building calling for help.

"We are running out of time.", Sgt. Rivera said then commanded everyone to check all rooms and guard all possible exits. The team was divided to three: the 1st team, having 5 members, was led by Sgt. Rivers; the 2nd team, having 5 members, was led by Shann; and, the last team, having 3 members, was led by Jin. The 1st team plan was to check the rooms from the 2nd to 9th floor; the 2nd was to do from 10th to 18th floor; and while the 3rd team will guard the exits.

Lobby | Jin's Team

Jin approached the front door and checked if he could open it. Unfortunately, it was jammed from the outside, he tried everything to open the door, but it was sealed shut. As he was about to radio Sgt. Rivers, he saw a lady running towards the elevator. "Hey!", he shouted. "Sir! I think I saw someone… sir?", he said and realized that his radio was broken while running after the lady. Then, there he noticed that he was all alone. His two teammates were gone. "Where the fuck did they go?" Still, this didn't stop him from running after her.


As Jin saw the lady went inside the elevator 2, he shouted, "Ma'am! Wait! I am a cop!" But it was already too late when he reached her because the elevator door was closed. He saw that the elevator stopped at 6th floor. Then, he wondered, "Wait a minute. How come the elevators are still working? This place was been abandoned for decades.", Suddenly, elevator 3 opened.


Jin slowly walked towards the elevator and pointed his gun to it. It was empty. He continued walking toward it until he was inside. At that point, the elevator door suddenly closed. He acted immediately but it was too late. He tried to open it with brute force but he couldn't open it. He stepped back from the door as he noticed that the elevator was moving up. "This is impossible!", he said. Unexpectedly, he felt something bumping at his back. He quickly turned around and pointed his HK416. There, he was greatly shocked from what he saw. He saw a decaying corpse of man hanging upside down. He was shaking with fear as he moved slowly to the corpse and poked it with the tip of his weapon.

The corpse was still juicy and smelled really awful. "I didn't saw him as I entered the elevator.", Jin said. Precipitously, he noticed something, the corpse was wearing his uniform and with his name on it. He checked again to totally convince himself that it was his uniform until the dead guys eye opened and talked.

"Don't look down!"

Jin was shock with disbelief. And, he looked down. He was floating on mid-air and he was 6th floor above the ground. Then, he felt the gravity pulling him down. He quickly grabbed the dead man from the waist. It felt like something was pulling him down and he was slipping.

Jin was grabbing hold for his life and shouting for help. He was in a brink of falling as he grabbed the corpse's juicy and decaying arms. Every time he gripped tightly, the skin of the dead man's arm was peeling off and he could feel the disgusting tissues on his hand. Then, as he accidentally looked at the corpse's face, the corpse's eyes and tongue fell to his face and as the result; Jin fell and died instantly.


3rd floor | Sgt. Rivers' Team

Meanwhile, Sgt. River's team was checking every room at the 3rd floor; they've heard someone crying at room 313. They went in front the room's door and opened it. They saw an old woman wearing a torn dress and she was sitting at the corner, near a big window. Sgt. Rivers' along with John approached her.
Sgt. Rivers said, "Ma'am, it's ok, we can help you. What happen?"
"Why?... Why are you here?... You woke them up!", the old woman said.
"What are you talking about? We are here to help you.", Sgt. Rivers replied and confused.
"No… Nobody… No one can help us. This place … cursed. All your fears will come to life.", she said.

While they were talking to her, Amir and Neil were outside, Amir noticed something moving from the far end of the hall way. "Hey! I think I saw something.", Amir said. "What? Where?", Neil asked and looked where Amir was looking at. "Naah! I guess it's just nothing.", Amir said.

Amir walked inside the room and heard what the old lady was saying, "You will not escape! You cannot escape! This will be your funeral! Your fears will be summoned! This is the devil's playground!" "Sir? We need to go.", Amir said. Sgt. Rivers and John looked at Amir and stood up. "Ok, we just have to take her with us.", Sgt. Rivers said looked back at the old lady but she wasn't there anymore. He even asked John if he saw her but John didn't see her as well. It's also impossible that she went out through the door because Neil was waiting outside. Amir walked out quickly and asked Neil about the old lady. But by the time Amir stepped out of the room, the door shut close, trapping Sgt. Rivera and John inside.

Amir and Neil pushed the door open but it won't dodge. "Sir! We can't open the door!", Amir said. "Ok step back. I'll put some holes to this piece of shit!", Sgt. Rivers said. Amir and Neil stepped aside, away from the door. Then, when everything's good to go, Sgt. Rivers shot the door with his HK416. Shockingly, nothing happened.

"What the FUCK is going on here!?!", Sgt. Rivers shouted.

Staircase | Shann's Team

Meanwhile, Shann's team was at the staircase and moving up to 10th floor but they're still currently at 8th floor. She kept on trying to contact the other team but it looked like every radio was jammed. As they were moving up to the 9th floor, Shann heard something. It was like a scream but not from human. It sounded like bats. Following that scream was the sound of wings flopping.

Shann looked up and saw nothing using the flashlight attached to her gun. "What was that?", Stew said to Shann. "I don't know what the fuck that was but it sounded like big-ass wings.", Shann replied. "Wings?", Stew said. "Look, let's proceed to our mission. Ok?", she added and continued climbing the stairs. But, as they reached 10th floor fire exit door, they heard those flopping of the wings again and this time they could feel the wind that was produced by those wings. Stew got rattled and looked up. It was pitch black. Then, the flopping of the wind stopped but it was followed by the clinking sound of the staircase metallic handrail. Suddenly, the handrail vibrates like something heavy and big was holding it. Unfortunately, their flashlights turned off and the only light source was the light coming from the glowsticks that was place on every end of the stairs.

Shann took a glowstick. She bent, cracked and shook the glowstick. Then she threw it from where sound was coming from. The glowstick bounced to some kind of a body. Its light illuminated the creature that was creating those sounds. The creature was huge bat like man and its face was like half man and half bat with razor sharp teeth. Frightened and rattled, Stew shot the man-bat in the head. Unfortunately, that made it angry. It flew around them while dodging the bullets. Shann ran and opened the door of the 10th floor fire exit. Then she yelled and commanded them to get inside while she covered them. "Get inside! Covering fire!", Shann said and shot the bloody man-bat. As the last man was about to enter the door, 4 more man-bats appeared out of nowhere. Quickly, Shann closed the door and locked it. They all run for their lives as the man-bats cracked open the fire exit door. "I can't see a damn thing!", Lance shouted while cracking his last glowstick. "Keep running! Find any windows for our escape route", Shann shouted. Unfortunately, the windows were no longer there.


3rd Floor | Sgt. Rivers Team

Sgt. Rivers and John were still struggling to open the door when suddenly they noticed that they were not alone in the room. "Sir, did you hear that?", John asked and looked at Sgt. Rivers with fear in his eyes. Then, they heard footsteps running around the room trailed by eerie laugh of an old woman. Paranoid from what was happening; John pulled the trigger of his gun and tried to shot this mysterious creature hiding within the shadows. "Stop shooting you fool! You are wasting your ammo!", Sgt. Rivers said. Amir and Neil heard the gun shots and asked them what's going on and who were they shooting at.

"Amir! Blow this Goddamn door open. We are not alone in this room! Blow it up!", Sgt. Rivers said. By the time Amir placed the C4 explosive at the door, John saw the old lady standing in the middle of the room. She was bloody and she was about to attack them. John tagged Sgt. Rivers and pointed at the old lady. The old lady was carrying some kind of some sharp objects. At that moment, the old lady slowly walked towards them. "Ma'am! Please. Stop moving and drop your weapons or we will open fire!", John ordered. Sgt. Rivers looked at those weapons carefully and said, "Those are not weapons. The looked like 10 inch size claws." Then the old woman ran and jumped over John. Before even John could react, he was already got stabbed and scratched by the old woman's claws. Sgt. Rivers stepped back and leaned on the door. He was so horrified and raised his gun then shot the old lady multiple times but the old lady was still stabbing John. Amir and Neil heard then gun shots and heard John's screaming. "Sir! What's going on in there?", Neil shouted. "Get this fucking door open! Damn it!", Sgt. Rivers shouted. The old lady killed John and now she ran towards Sgt. Rivers who was leaning behind the door. Amir quickly armed the C4, walked away from the door and shouted, "Get the fuck away from the door! Fire in the hole!", Amir shouted. By the time the old woman jumped towards Sgt. Rivers, he dodged away from the door. As a result the old woman was going straight to the door that was wired with C4.


The blast busted the door open and blew the old woman in pieces. Unfortunately, Sgt. Rivers was wounded after that explosion. Then, Amir and Neil didn't wait for the smoke to clear out and immediately went inside. They found Sgt. Rivers lying down with his both legs got badly wounded. Amir approached him and said, "Sir! Are you ok? What happen?" "Fuck! That old lunatic hag was trying to kill us and successfully killed John!", Sgt. Rivers replied. Neil approached John and tried to feel his pulse then said, "Sgt. Rivers, right. John's gone!" "Help me get up! We need to get out from this shit hole!", Sgt. Rivers said. "But the mission, sir?", Amir asked. "Contact everyone and abort the mission!", Sgt. Rivers replied.

10th floor | Shann's Team

Shann and her team were still running away from those flesh-eating-man-bats while they stumbled across with the robbers that were carrying bags full of money. They stopped and pointed their guns to each group. "Trust me! Get the fuck down! Now!", Ace shouted. Shann and her teammates docked down while Ace and his co-robbers shot the hell out of the man-bats. They even threw two grenades. The explosion left one man-bat dead and the other 3 flee away.

As soon as the smoke from the blast cleared out, Shann and her teammates slowly stood up. The robbers walked towards the dead man-bat's body and Shann and her team followed. "We finally got you, you bastard from hell!", Ace said and spitted at the man-bat's face. "Ok! You are all under arrest! Put your hands up!", Shann said. "Look, we've got bigger problems here than this one.", Ace replied. "It will get bigger if you will not tell where your hostages are.", Shann said. "They're gone! They're all dead! Killed by this fucking bat!", Ace said and kicked the head of the man-bat. "Look, lady. We will surrender once you will help us get out of this hellish place. You'll have my word.", Ace added. "Ok! I'll keep my eyes on you. But next time, don't call me ‘lady' or else I'll beat the shit out of you!", Shann replied and decided to team up with the robbers. "So, what's your plan?", Ace asked. "We can't use the stairs anymore because that's where those bats were lurking. So, we will rappel down through the elevator shaft.", Shann replied.

As Shann and the others were heading to the elevator, Stew opened up, "Hey, Shann. What happen to us might have happen to the rest of the team below?" "That is what we can't be sure of. The radios were jammed, we all have limited ammunition. Let's just pray they are all safe.", she replied. "Say, what are those things anyway?", Lance asked. "Do you think I have all the answers to your every question? Whatever those fuckers are we know we can hurt them, we can KILL them.", Shann said.


3rd floor | Room 313

Amir and Neil carried Sgt. Rivers out of the room by clinging Sgt. Rivers arms on each of Amir and Neil's shoulder. Once they were outside, Neil suddenly felt like someone's watching them. He looked at both ends of the hall way. "What is it?", Amir asked. "6 o'clock.", Neil replied and his voice was shaking. Sgt. Rivers and Amir slowly looked behind them. They saw a headless man floating more or less 10 feet away from them. "Holy shit! Tell me you didn't see that one.", Neil said. "What the bloody hell is going on here, Sarge?", he added. Then, Amir said to not looked back and walked straight. "I seek refuge in the Perfect Words of Allah -which neither the upright nor the corrupt may overcome - from the evil of what He created, of what He made, and of what He scattered, from the evil of what descends from the heavens, and of what rises up to them, from the evil of what He scattered in the earth and of what emerges from it, from the evil trials of night and day, and from the evil of every night visitor, except the night visitor who comes with good. O Merciful One. ", Amir said while walking away from the headless man. As they were successfully moving away, Neil slowly looked back at the headless man but he was no longer there. "He's gone!", Neil said. "I told you not to look back!", Amir replied. Then, suddenly, a swift wind blew passed by them. "What was that?", Neil said and got frightened.

Out of nowhere, 6 feet away from them, the headless man was already in front of them. He was holding a round-head-like-shape object and placed it on his chopped neck. He twisted it, trying to fit it in. Amir and Neil were terrified from what they were seeing. Then, they discerned that it was Sgt. Rivers head. Their eyes got wide and they slowly looked at Sgt. Rivers. They got shock because the head of Sgt. Rivers got ripped out of his neck with them noticing it. Instantaneously, they let go of Sgt. Rivers decapitated corpse and looked back at the headless man who took Rivers' head. Again, he's gone.

10th floor | Elevator Door

Gids, Vince, and Lance tried to open the elevator 3's door while the rest were guarding them. "Hey! Why can't we go through the windows instead?", Ace asked Shann. "Well, obviously, the windows were gone. I don't why or how but this building is as disturbing as hell!", Shann replied. Abruptly, an uncanny silence consumed the hotel. At that juncture, something was creeping out of the walls, floor and ceiling. "What now?", Shann said. "Hurry up, you guys! Something's happening!", Ace followed. "We're trying!", Lance replied then door opened. "Ok! We got it!", Gids said. Shann drilled a hole instantly to the floor and rigged the harness. "Ok. Get you asses down there! Go! Go! Go!", She said threw her last glowstick.

Gids went down first. He was followed by Lance then Vince. By the time Stew was about to come down, 12 inches cockroach-like-bugs crept out of the walls, floor, and ceiling. "Open FIRE!", Shann shouted as the meat-eating-bugs crawled and flew towards them.

3rd floor | Hallway

Because of the unexplained horrific events, Amir decided to go up and get Shann. "We didn't hear even on single gunshot. Dude, face it! They're DEAD!", Neil said. "Don't you fucking say that! (He thought of Shann) Maybe nothing's happening to them yet. But all I know, we are their only hope.", Amir said and point a finger to Neil's chest. "Hope!? Did you see what happen to John? To Sarge? And where the fuck is Travis, anyway? Decapitating freaks and headless fucks! We need to get out of here, man!", Neil replied. "Yes! But along with the rest of the team! So, don't let that fear dwell in your heart and cloud your mind.", Amir said. Neil at first was not favor to what Amir's decision but eventually he was convinced. So, they went to fire exit. But before they passed a hallway where the elevators were located, Amir heard gun fires behind elevator 3. "Wait! Did you hear that?", he said and placed his ears at the elevator door. "What? I don't hear a Goddamn thing!", Neil replied. Then, Amir heard Shann's voice. "That's Shann… Shann!", he shouted. "Help me open this door!", he added. "We can't even hear even a damn gunshot but you can hear your girlfriend's voice!", Neil replied. "Will you just help me!", Amir said and Neil helped him.


10th floor | Elevator door

Fast, deadly, and hungry creatures from hell attacked Shann, Stew, and Ace. Bullets flew and hit the exact targets. But the problem was that there were more of these creatures than the numbers of their ammunition. As a result, they ran out of ammo and used their guns as melee weapons. Swing wildly but accurate, Shann hit and smashed every creatures that attacked her while Ace was attacked from behind. He was bitten and scratched. He fought back but his body got numb and he fell down. He was consumed by the creatures and dragged his body around until it was gashed into pieces.

3rd floor | Elevator door

Amir and Neil managed to open the elevator door but it's only half open because something was jamming it. Amir told Neil to hold onto his belt because he is going inside the elevator shaft. The moment he moved in and showing only half of his body. Suddenly, Lance called him, "Hey! Amir! Is that you?" Amir looked down and Lance with two other unknown people standing and one man lying down over the elevator. "Where is the rest of the team? Where's Shann?", Amir asked. "This guy lying on top of the elevator, it's Jin. He's gone! And I think you get up there man. Something bad is happening to Shann.", Lance replied. By the time Amir looked up, Lance shouted. "Look out!" It was Shann falling from the 10th floor.

With Stew get eaten alive, Shann escaped by jumping to the elevator shaft. She tried to grab the elevator wire ropes. But as she grabbed it, it snapped immediately and as a result she fell. Amir saw her falling and attempted to catch her. "Neil, brace yourself. I'm gonna catch Shann.", Amir shouted. "Catch?!?", Neil replied and just got a good grip on Amir's belt and vest. He even placed his foot against the elevator door.

Shann saw Amir as she fell down then extended her right arm and so did Amir. Amir successfully caught her but the force of gravity pulled them both. But since Neil's grip on Amir's vest and belt was well secured, he managed to stop them from falling down. As a result, Amir slammed the left side of his ribs to the edge of the elevator door and broke a couple of ribs and dislocated his shoulder. "AAAGH! Shit!", Amir shouted. Then, Shann effectively grasped Amir's sleeve. "What happen?", Shann said. "I think I dislocated my shoulder.", Amir said with agonizing pain. "I can fix that.", she replied. "Ok. Climb up. And let's get the hell out of here.", he said. As soon as she climbed up, the bugs followed them down the elevator shaft. Along with them was a gigantic demon with skin covered with thick black fur and he had two big horns with the tip pointing downward. The demon growled and it looked like he was commanding the bugs to attack. The bug flew directly towards with sharp fangs ready to chew on human flesh.

"Hurry! Hurry!", Amir shouted. Shann climbed up and went outside the shaft then quickly they pulled Amir inside. Shann and Neil tried to close the elevator door. "What about us?", Lance shouted. "Get your asses out and let's meet up at the lobby.", Shann shouted. As soon as the bugs got close to Shann and Neil, the elevator 3 closed.

Meanwhile, Lance, Gids and Vince opened the elevator 3's vent and went through it. They closed and sealed it immediately right before the bugs caught up with them. "That was close!", Lance said. "Yeah! Real close.", Vince said. Then, suddenly, a gunshot was fired.

3rd floor | Hallway

While Amir was leaning on the wall resting his injured shoulder, Shann was fixing him up. "I think we need to right now.", Neil said. "This is far from normal already, man.", he added. "Yeah! Neil's right. Don't worry. We can fix my shoulder once we got out of here.", Amir added. So, Shann helped him to get up. "So, where will we go now?", Neil asked. "Same plan. Through the fire exit.", Amir said. "No, we can't go through there! Some man-bats were lurking there.", Shann replied. "What the FUCK!? Bats?", Neil said shockingly. "What about the windows?", Neil added. "Yeah! Big ASS BATS! And we can't use the windows because there're no windows.", Shann replied. "No need to fear them. As long as we could still fight back at them, there's nothing to fear.", Amir said and gave Shann his firearm. "Got some few rounds with that. Make it count.", Amir added. He took his hand gun and said, "Let's go!"


3rd floor | Hallway

Amir, Shann and Neil walked towards the fire exit door. "Ready?", Shann said and held on to the door knob. Amir and Neil nodded and she opened the door slowly. But the door's hinges created a very creaky sound as she pushed it open. Consequently, the man-bats were alarmed and squeaked loudly. "Run!", Shann shouted and they ran down to the stairs. The man-bats flew down towards and Neil opened fire. He shot the man-bat's head off. Unfortunately, it landed on top of him. Amir tried to go back for Neil but another man-bat gets on his way. Shann shot the man-bat and nailed it down. She pulled Amir and ran towards ground floor fire exit, leaving Neil behind.

Lobby | Shann and Amir

Amir and Shann quickly closed the fire exit door and ran to the lobby. There, they met up with Vince carrying two bags filled with money. "Where's Lance and Gids?", Shann asked. "Those things crawled in through the vent and ate them. I manage to escape.", Vince said. "Damn! - - - Ok, did your bring Lance those explosives?", Shann asked. "Yeah!", he replied. Shann and Amir walked pass by him and he followed. "Looks like you're gonna blow the living hell out of that door.", Amir said and Shann smiled.
Then, they heard a gun cocking behind them. As soon as they looked behind, a gun was fired. It startled them and saw Vince got shot in the head. Vince fell down to the floor. Then, Neil appeared in front of them and he said, "I know when a man lies." "Neil!", Amir shouted and smiled. "I thought you're dead!", Shann said. "Dead? I feel so alive.", Neil replied. "Wait, why did you shot Vince?", Shann asked. "I saw him! He was trying to kill you both.", Neil replied. "So, I shot him.", he added and took the explosives with him.

Entrance | Shann, Amir and Neil

They placed the explosives on the main entrance and wired it up. Then, suddenly, Neil hummed a song while holding the trigger of the explosives. "Unbelievable! You could still hum a song at this situation?", Amir asked. "How did you know that song?", Shann asked. "Your mom taught me that song.", Neil replied. "But my mom…" Right before Shann finished her statement, Neil said. "… Committed suicide? She didn't committed suicide. I took her with me." "What the fuck are you talking about?", Shann angrily uttered and stood up in front of Neil. "Fierce! Fearless! Those are things that make you two different from the others.", Neil said and walked at the center of the lobby. "You're not Neil! What the hell are you? Where is Neil?", Amir shouted. "Neil's dead. Me? I am…", Neil replied and suddenly transformed as the devil. "… YOUR FEAR!", he added.

"Oh - - - my - - - God!", Shann said with disbelief.

"God? Where's your God now? Your God doesn't exist here! This is your damnation", the devil said.

But Shann and Amir were not scared of him even though the devil already showed his wrath to them.

"I am not afraid of you!", Amir said.

The devil ran out patience. He swiftly grabbed Amir and threw him at the center of the lobby. As the devil approached Amir, Shann jumped at his back and stabbed his neck multiple times with her combat knife. The devil eventually reached his back and grabbed her vest. He threw her over and to the wall.

"You'll not win!", the devil said. He grabbed Amir's injured shoulder and raised him up.

"You cannot get out without…", the devil said while looking for the detonator.

"Are you looking for this?", Shann said and stood up. She raised the detonator up.

"There's my God!", Amir said and Shann press the trigger.

"You maggots!", the devil said and then followed by a huge explosion.

The portal was re-opened to the real world. The devil was blinded by the blast and dropped Amir down. Shann immediately took Amir and went straight the portal. The devil got angry and tried to close the portal. Shann and Amir ran to their salvation. But the moment the portal close, Amir pushed Shann to the portal and said, "Forgive me, I love you!" "No! Amir!", Shann shouted.


The portal was closed and Amir was trapped inside with the devil.

"That was a brave move you just did!", the devil said.

"Sacrifice and fear!", Amir replied.

"Fear? What is that fear?", the devil smiled and walked towards Amir.

Amir stood straight, drew his combat knife, and said, "Fear of GOD! Ittaqullah!"

The devil growled with anger. The ground shook and broke as the hell rises above the ground.

"Fear me!", the devil commanded.

Amir smiled and said, "Never!"

The Real World | Hotel Entrance

The police saw the main entrance door opened and saw Shann jumping out of the door.

"Hold you fire!"

Shann passed through the portal and went back to the real world. She stood up and looked back at the entrance and it was already close. She opened it but the lobby was back to normal. "Amiiiiiiiiir!", she shouted and drown her heart with tears. The police entered the hotel.

Few days have passed; Shann was taken for an investigation for the missing of 12 members of the S.W.A.T. team. She told them the truth but no one believed her. She was forced to undergo a psychological therapy. But during the therapy, she walked out and went back home. She took her gym bag and put guns and explosives in it that she kept in her basement.

She went back at the hotel, sneaked in and passed the police guarding the location. She went inside the same time she went in before. She stepped foot inside the hotel from the back door. Suddenly, the door closed and the same eerie atmosphere concealed the building. She cock her M4A1 Carbine and said, "I am coming, baby!"

~ FIN ~

COMMENT/RATE AFTER READING: 1-5 stars [ ★★★★★ ]




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